Editorial board member dropped from journal site after Retraction Watch


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Aug 28, 2023

Editorial board member dropped from journal site after Retraction Watch

That MINIMUM QUANTITY LUBRICATION funny stuff is sure relevant. Or not so much? I am not making these things up, Dan Wang et al. did that. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.10.020 Several

That MINIMUM QUANTITY LUBRICATION funny stuff is sure relevant. Or not so much?

I am not making these things up, Dan Wang et al. did that.


Several research studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of pin-fin shapes [1–3], splitters [4–7], fin height (or tip clearance) [8–12], fin arrangements [13–18], MCHS [micro-channel heat sinks] geometry [19–20], using phase change materials (PCMs) [21–24], and nanoparticle concentration (φ) on the hydrothermal performance of the MCHSs. In addition, the performance of MCHSs was evaluated by different parameters such as first law and second law efficiencies, performance evaluation criterion (PEC) factor, and the entropy generation analysis [25–29].

[1] Aguirre I, Gonzalez A, Castillo E. Numerical study on the use of shear-thinning nanofluids in a micro pin-fin heat sink including vortex generators and changes in pin shapes. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng 2022;136:104400.

[2] Zhang Y, Li C, Jia D, Zhang D, Zhang X. Experimental evaluation of the lubrication performance of MoS2/CNT nanofluid for minimal quantity lubrication in Ni-based alloy grinding. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2015;99:19–33.

[3] Yang M, Li C, Zhang Y, Jia D, Zhang X, Hou Y, Li R, Wang J. Maximum undeformed equivalent chip thickness for ductile-brittle transition of zirconia ceramics under different lubrication conditions. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2017;122:55–65.

[4] Shahsavar A, Yari O, Baniasad Askari I. The entropy generation analysis of forward and backward laminar water flow in a plate-pin-fin heatsink considering threedifferent splitters. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer 2021;120:105026.

[5] Huang K, Su B, Li T, Ke H, Lin M, Wang Q. Numerical simulation of the mixing behaviour of hot and cold fluids in the rectangular T-junction with/without animpeller. Appl Therm Eng 2022;204:117942.

[6] Duan ZJ, Li CH, Zhang YB, Dong L, Bai XF, Yang M, Jia DZ, Li RZ, Cao HJ, Xu XF. Milling surface roughness for 7050 aluminum alloy cavity influenced by nozzle position of nanofluid minimum quantity lubrication. Chin J Aeronaut 2021;34(6): 33–53.

[7] Yang M, Li C, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li B, Jia D, Hou Y, Li R. Research on microscale skull grinding temperature field under different cooling conditions. Appl Therm Eng 2017;126:525–37.

[8] Bhandari P, Prajapati YK. Influences of tip clearance on flow and heat transfer characterstics of open type micro pin fin heat sink. Int J Therm Sci 2022;179:107714.

[9] Xiaoming WANG, Changhe LI, Yanbin ZHANG, Zafar SAID, Sujan DEBNATH, Shubham SHARMA, Min YANG, Teng GAO. Influence of texture shape and arrangement on nanofluid minimum quantity lubrication turning. Int J Adv Manufact Technol 2022;119(1):631–46.

[10] Jia D, Zhang Y, Li C, Yang M, Gao T, Said Z, Sharma S. Lubrication-enhanced mechanisms of titanium alloy grinding using lecithin biolubricant. Tribol Int 2022;169:107461.

[11] Wu Y, Zhao Y, Han X, Jiang G, Shi J, Liu P, Yamada Y. Ultra-fast growth of cuprate superconducting films: Dual-phase liquid assisted epitaxy and strong flux pinning. Mater Today Phys 2021;18:100400.

[12] Wang Y, Han X, Jin S. MAP based modeling method and performance study of a task offloading scheme with time-correlated traffic and VM repair in MEC systems.Wirel Netw 2022.

[13] Shahsavar A, Alwaeli AHA, Azimi N, Rostami S, Sopian K, Arıcı M, Estelle P, Nizetic S, Kasaeian A, Muhammad Ali H, Ma Z, Afrand M. Exergy studies in waterbased and nanofluid-based photovoltaic/thermal collectors: Status and prospects.Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2022;168:112740.

[14] Duan Z, Li C, Ding W, Zhang Y, Yang M, Gao T, Cao H, Xu X, Wang D, Mao C, Li HN, Kumar GM, Said Z, Debnath S, Jamil M, Ali HM. Milling force model for aviation aluminum alloy: academic insight and perspective analysis. Chin J Mech Eng 2021;34(1):1–35.

[15] Bai X, Li C, Dong L, Yin Q. Experimental evaluation of the lubrication performances of different nanofluids for minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in milling Ti-6Al4V. Int J Adv Manufact Technol 2019;101(9):2621–32.

[16] Zhang Y, Li HN, Li C, Huang C, Ali H-M, Xu X, Mao C, Ding W, Cui X, Yang M, Yu T, Jamil M, Gupta MK, Jia D, Zafar S. Nano-enhanced biolubricant in sustainablemanufacturing: from processability to mechanisms. Friction 2021;10(6):803–41.

[17] Liu M, Li C, Zhang Y, An Q, Yang M, Gao T, Mao C, Liu B, Cao H, Xu X, Said Z, Debnath S, Jamil M, Ali HM, Sharma S. Cryogenic minimum quantity lubricationmachining: From mechanism to application. Front Mech Eng 2021;16(4):649–97.

[18] Massoudi MD, Hamida MBB, Almeshaal MA, Hajlaoui K. The influence of multiple fins arrangement cases on heat sink efficiency of MHD MWCNT-water nanofluid within tilted T-shaped cavity packed with trapezoidal fins considering thermalemission impact. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer 2021;126:105468.

[19] Bhuiya R, Shah N, Arora D, Krishna NV, Manikandan S, Selvam C, Lamba R. Thermal management of phase change material integrated thermoelectric cooler with different heat sink geometries. J Energy Storage 2022;51:104304.

[20] Bhatt H, Bist H, Gola H, Zunaid M. Variation of heat transfer characteristics of a microchannel heat sink with geometry. Mater Today: Proc 2022;56(2):936–42.

[21] Kalbasi R. Introducing a novel heat sink comprising PCM and air – Adapted to electronic device thermal management. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 2021;169:120914.

[22] Huang BT, Li CH, Zhang YB, Ding WF, Yang M, Yang YY, Zhai H, Xu XF, Wang DZ, Debnath S, Jamil M, Li HN, Ali HM, Gupta MK, Said Z. Advances in fabrication of ceramic corundum abrasives based on sol–gel process. Chin J Aeronaut 2021; 34(6):1–17.

[23] Yang M, Li C, Luo L, Li R, Long Y. Predictive model of convective heat transfer coefficient in bone micro-grinding using nanofluid aerosol cooling. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer 2021;125:105317.

[24] Gao T, Li C, Yang M, Zhang Y, Jia D, Ding W, Debnath S, Yu T, Said Z, Wang J. Mechanics analysis and predictive force models for the single-diamond graingrinding of carbon fiber reinforced polymers using CNT nano-lubricant. J Mater Process Technol 2021;290:116976.

[25] Lisboa KM, Zotin JLZ, Naveira-Cotta CP, Cotta RM. Leveraging the entropy generation minimization and designed porous media for the optimization of heat sinks employed in low-grade waste heat harvesting. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 2021;181:121850.

[26] Li B, Li C, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Jia D, Yang M, Zhang N, Qu Q, Han Z, Sun K. Heat transfer performance of MQL grinding with different nanofluids for Ni-based alloys using vegetable oil. J Cleaner Prod 2017;154:1–11.

[27] Guo S, Li C, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li B, Yang M, Zhang X, Liu G. Experimental evaluation of the lubrication performance of mixtures of castor oil with other vegetable oils in MQL grinding of nickel-based alloy. J Cleaner Prod 2017;140:1060–76.

[28] Wang Y, Li C, Zhang Y, Li B, Yang M, Zhang X, Guo S, Liu G. Experimental evaluation of the lubrication properties of the wheel/workpiece interface in MQL grinding with different nanofluids. Tribol Int 2016;99:198–210.

[29] Shen H, Xie G, Wang CH. Thermal performance and entropy generation of novel Xstructured double layered microchannel heat sinks. J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng 2020; 111:90–104.