Big Bend Reproductive Coalition launches community needs assessment 


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Jun 27, 2023

Big Bend Reproductive Coalition launches community needs assessment 

News By Big Bend Sentinel August 2, 2023 533 PM BIG BEND REGION — The Big Bend Reproductive Coalition is launching a community needs assessment to learn what the community wants and needs in regards


By Big Bend Sentinel

August 2, 2023 533 PM

BIG BEND REGION — The Big Bend Reproductive Coalition is launching a community needs assessment to learn what the community wants and needs in regards to reproductive healthcare.

The community needs assessment will take place over the course of four months and will include a series of community town halls, anonymous surveys, and door-to-door canvassing across the region. Big Bend Reproductive Coalition hopes to learn about potential service gaps and what types of services and educational opportunities women and people that can get pregnant would like access to, including sexual and reproductive healthcare services, funding, workshops, community events, and more. This information will help inform BBRC’s services and strategy to best serve the community.

The coalition is currently seeking volunteers. Those interested are encouraged to reach out to morgan[email protected]

The first town hall will take place on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 7 p.m. at Cedar Coffee and Supply in Alpine. Future town halls are being planned for Marfa, Fort Davis, Terlingua and Presidio. The town halls are free and open to all. There will be Spanish language translation available at each event.

For more information about the Big Bend Reproductive Coalition, visit

By Big Bend Sentinel

By Big Bend Sentinel

By Big Bend Sentinel