Bulletin circulation services will be down for a few days


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Jul 19, 2023

Bulletin circulation services will be down for a few days

The Bulletin’s web-based customer service center for subscriptions will be offline for a few days next week starting on Tuesday, due to a software upgrade. All of EO Media Group’s newspaper

The Bulletin’s web-based customer service center for subscriptions will be offline for a few days next week starting on Tuesday, due to a software upgrade. All of EO Media Group’s newspaper circulation services will be down during that time, too.

The service center will not be able to handle transactions such as:

Regular home deliveries will not be affected. If you have a home-delivery issue, please call 541-382-1811.

As a courtesy to our subscribers, we will have our paywall down during this time to allow free digital access to all of our online content.

— Bulletin staff report

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